The Wine and Spirits School of Olivier Thiénot talks about us!

Published on Mar 9, 2020

A big thank you to Olivier Thiénot, founder of the School of Wines and Spirits and to Maria Charueva for their interest in our digital project: AR Winelabels, the labels of Wines & Spirits in Augmented Reality.

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The Magazine of the School of Wines & Spirits
The Magazine of the School of Wines & Spirits

Discover the portrait of Stefan Gendreau, former EVS student and Head of Design & Communication at AR Winelabels, around 5 questions:

Find the full article on L’Ecole des Vins et Spiritueux accompagne l’innovation, a great discovery!

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Stefan Gendreau in his show room in Bastille

Stefan Gendreau in his show room in Bastille