Published on Dec 9, 2019
That is what the journalist Rémi Bain-Thouverez has been able to observe! Indeed, any consumer whose Apple or Android smartphone is equipped with a free AR SnapPress® app (available free of charge on either Apple store or Google Play store) can access a trove of digital information by a quick scan!
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In the face of the excessive number of products on offer in stores, this new medium which mixes physical and digital universe is bound to become a precious tool for empowering the consumer on his path to purchase, thanks to a direct access to reliable information (no more fake news)!
At AR-Winelabels, a partner of SnapPress since 2018, we are convinced that Augmented Reality is highly beneficial to your clients and prospects, and, whether you are involved in viticulture or wine making, we will put at your disposal our tailored services and communication tools.
Thus, each winegrower, château, estate, domaine can rely on a label enriched by ARWinelabels whatever his/its objectives and market share (national or international with the possible use of up to 15 languages).
Each produced bottle will be a genuine Digital Ambassador, which will ensure a personalized dialog with consumers all over the world, 24/7.
Find Rémi Bain-Thouverez’s whole article on
Giordano Primitivo Puglia i.g.t. enhanced by